Advent Resources

Advent is an opportunity to slow our hearts, minds, and lives and remember the first coming of Christ, and anticipate his promised return. If you are looking for resources, we’ve compiled a list with a variety of articles, videos, reading plans, and more. We pray you find this helpful and that your hearts are directed toward the love of God and the steadfastness of Christ this season.

WONDER - Advent Devotional from the wonderful folks at Dwell App.

LOVE’S PURE LIGHT - Another Advent Devotional PDF from Dwell App.

Every Moment Holy - Advent Journal - Liturgies, questions, response.

Every Moment Holy - Writing Guide - Help in crafting a personal prayer for this season

The History of Advent (For those wondering where Advent comes from)

MUSIC! (For those looking for a new playlist)

SLOW DOWN (For those of us feeling a little overwhelmed, this short read from Adam Ramsey is helpful)

Advent Calendar - For families with younger kids, looking for something simple.

Cultivating Awe and Wonder (For those with kids in the home, this article gives a helpful perspective)

Jesus Storybook Bible reading plan for Advent (For those who love the Jesus Story Book Bible)

Good News of Great Joy (For those looking for daily devotionals)

Advent Guide for Families and Kids (From the Village Church, for those with littler ones)

Advent Guide from the Village Church (For those wanting a detailed, in depth guide.)

More Christmas Music! (For those who can’t get enough of the Christmas jams)

Advent Book Reviews and Deals- (For those looking for a new book, this is an indy bookstore in Pennsylvania that’s compiled short reviews on a bunch of Advent books.)

Same as the above, but for families and kids - Another list from the good folks and Hearts and Minds books, geared for those with younger ones in the home.