Lately - Summer 2023 Edition

August is here, and with that a transition back to school and new rhythms after summer break (at least for our families, teachers, and administrators.)

In this edition of “Lately” I wanted to share a couple pictures, a liturgy, and a song.

Our family took a vacation to Montana and Canada in early July. The hikes, views, and wildlife didn’t disappoint. There is a unique wonder brought about by the Rocky Mountains, glaciers, and strange creatures. We live in God’s world and He is a patient and good Creator and sustainer.

Mountain Goat at Glacier National Park, right along the Going to the Sun road.

Lake Louise, Banff National Park (Canada)

On Sunday, I referenced a liturgy from the book “Every Moment Holy, Volume 1” for students and scholars. Though it was a little long to share the whole thing on Sunday, it is very worth reading and praying for those preparing to return to school life. Click below to see.

Finally, we sang a new(er) to us song on Sunday that is worth posting here and having on repeat. “Yet Not I But Christ In Me”