Gathering Recap - 04/14/2024 - Hebrews 2:1-18 - Perspective and High Priest

Call to worship:

1 Praise the Lord!
Blessed is the man who fears the Lord,
    who greatly delights in his commandments!
His offspring will be mighty in the land;
    the generation of the upright will be blessed.

Psalm 112:1-2

Gathering Video

Questions for reflection:

What dangers of drifting existed for the first listeners? How about today?

How does the call to pay attention connect to the story of Scripture?

Jesus knows, is near, and able as our High Priest. How does this good news impact you today?

Corporate Prayer:

Our Father in heaven,

We thank you for the presence of Christ and the peace He brings. We are grateful for this grand story that centers on Your Son and shapes the entirety of our lives. May Your Spirit send us from this place with boldness, kindness, compassion, and love.

In the name of Christ we pray,


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Hebrews 2:1-18 - Chris

"Love does not mean the abandonment of justice and right; nor is it a sentimental benevolence which does not have the capacity for holy wrath.” George Ladd

“Pay attention to what you pay attention to.”

“The most basic form of love is attention”

“What you pay attention to expands”

Phil 2:5-8

“The drive for autonomous living—to control my own life and destiny—runs counter to Christian commitment. For the autonomous self the premier question is not “What do I owe to God or this community?” but “What can this God and community do to help me in my pursuit of self-actualization?” In other words, as long as God and the community are useful in helping me “get and keep it all together,” I will participate. When that ceases to happen or my autonomy is threatened by these relationships, I will drift elsewhere” - George Guthrie

Jesus, Savior, pilot me,

Over life's tempestuous sea:

Unknown waves before me roll,

Hiding rocks and treach'rous shoal;

Chart and compass come from Thee–

Jesus, Savior, pilot me!

As a mother stills her child,

Thou canst hush the ocean wild;

Boist'rous waves obey Thy will

When Thou say'st to them, "Be still!"

Wondrous Sov'reign of the sea,

Jesus, Savior, pilot me!

When at last I near the shore,

And the fearful breakers roar

'Twixt me and the peaceful rest–

Then, while leaning on Thy breast,

May I hear Thee say to me,

"Fear not– I will pilot thee!”

Edward Hopper